Fixing what a cyberstalker says
67% of people do a Vanity search.
As I have said before I have have a cyberstalker. Never met this man nor have I have publicly or online said a word about him. Yet there he is. A jealous bitter older man in France that has nothing better to do then write things that are untrue. So if you are a victim of this here are a few pointers to help you through getting back what these people try and steal from you.
1) Create a blog and blog daily. It does not have to be much but content is important. When you get a blog find the keywords that are used by the stalker. Use those words in your blog. Additionally you want to set up your blog correctly. Google analytic Webmaster tools, Site Map, and share on social media. Twitter, Facebook, Google+. These help promote your site. If you look to the left you will see all the social media I created just to offset any of the Google terms.
2) Social media is a powerful tool. Search engines spend a great deal of time there. As they are constantly updating. So you want get out that you are blogging to social media.
3) Contact the owner of the site to remove the content. This may work in some cases but chances are it will not work. He posted it and normally are vindictive so chances are almost zero for removal.
4) Contact the search engine provider if the above fails. Now Google and other search engines will not just remove the content because it is negative. You must have a valid reason to have the content removed. Personal information, Your name to an adult site, Copyright infringement. Looking at copyright infringement reporting this to Google or Chilling Effects is not even a guarantee even if you do own it. You must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is yours. There are procedures you must follow and it has to be in a certain format for Google to consider it. Do not give up just keep hitting the search engine with a complaint.
5) Create a Google alert for your name. Thus you will see when data is indexed by Google and when these items appear in the search engine. It will keep you abreast of what is being said.
6) Lock down your personal information. Go to your social media and lock down who can see what and everything they can see. Do not accept friend requests from people you do not know. Otherwise your pictures and information about you will appear online.
7) Do not ever click the links that are a result of the search engine. This will help boost the relevancy of the post against you.
8) Last thing is it takes time to move the needle in the search engines. You should own the first few pages of the search results. Most people do not go past the 30 result entries. So you must keep on blogging and increasing your presence on line. Once you have done this the negative entries slowly disappear or get buried.